felt this while looking for something to watch
roku's really pushing the limit of good faith. encroaching on the menu, a sacred point for users to be able to get to the place they need to go quickly, as an advertising slot feels so wrong. it feels like a violation against all ux principles.
The Moral Implications of Being a Moderately Successful Computer Scientist and a Woman
In this blog post, I will attempt to describe the system within which I exist as a moderately successful computer scientist and woman. I will highlight the fallacies that lead to women (1) leaving tech, (2) generally being anxious in our society, and (3) experiencing horrific harassment and misogyny.
skincare routine
- cerave hydrating facial cleanser
- the ordinary lactic acid 10% + HA (evening)
- enaskin retinol collagen under eye mask (evening)
- the ordinary hyaluronic acid 2% + B5
- the ordinary niacinamide 10% + zinc 1%
- laneige water bank blue hyaluronic serum
- baebody retinol moisturizer
- collagen supplements + masks (when necessary)
New Feature Alert: Access Archived Webpages Directly Through Google Search
In a significant step forward for digital preservation, Google Search is now making it easier than ever to access the past. Starting today, users everywhere can view archived versions of webpages directly through Google Search, with a simple link to the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.
You should go to conferences
This is a living list (updated sporadically) based off of my experiences speaking and attending, as well as recommendations from some friendly folks on Mastodon.
Hellmouth's Manuscript Maker
divergentrays recently shared this on her weekly wrap-up, and i absolutely love it. might share some i make later.
Pew Research Center: News Platform Fact Sheet 2024
In a fragmented media environment with seemingly endless sources of information to choose from, Americans’ news habits have changed dramatically in the 21st century. Today, an overwhelming majority of Americans get news at least sometimes from digital devices. This fact sheet looks at the platforms Americans turn to for news, including patterns and trends.
SuperCook, a zero-waste recipe generator
Unlike other recipe apps, SuperCook only shows you recipes that require the ingredients you already have.
Your Rights to ADHD Accommodations at Work
You have a right to ADHD accommodations at work and protections from discrimination, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here, learn what the ADA disability list says about ADHD, and what legal protections exist for adults with attention deficit.
Trump’s incomprehensible child care comments appear to have broken a dam
“Here’s my challenge to journalists over the next two months: quote Trump in full,” Max Kennerly, a lawyer and legal commentator, wrote on X on Thursday, alongside a video posted by the Harris campaign of Trump’s comments. “Don’t clean him up, don’t reinterpret what he says in a more sensible way, don’t secretly editorialize. Just quote him. Let the voters see how this man’s mind doesn’t work.”
just an-otter marketing ploy

a mama otter and baby at monterey bay aquarium, one of my favorite aquariums.
Little Known Galaxy Guide on Google Sheets
someone made a complete guide—everything needed to keep track of crop sale prices, favorite gifts, store prices, upgrade requirements, and resources in little-known galaxy, a game i've been playing lately.
We're losing our digital history. Can the Internet Archive save it?
Research shows 25% of web pages posted between 2013 and 2023 have vanished. A few organisations are racing to save the echoes of the web, but new risks threaten their very existence.
The First Horse Domestication Was Later Than We Thought
Where and when did horses become our helpers? Science has some new and surprising answers.
Oracle, it’s time to free JavaScript.
You have long ago abandoned the JavaScript trademark, and it is causing widespread, unwarranted confusion and disruption.
JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language, powering websites everywhere. Yet, few of the millions who program in it realize that JavaScript is a trademark you, Oracle, control. The disconnect is glaring: JavaScript has become a general-purpose term used by countless individuals and companies, independent of any Oracle product.
How to Plant and Cultivate a Japanese Maple Tree
planning a ceremony to bless our new home with a japanese maple tree. thank goodness we're not far from our nursery!
Senate Hearing on Steward Health Care Bankruptcy
this hearing, and the overall subject of corporate greed, actually being approached at the federal level from both sides of the aisle is really nice to see. it would be wonderful for this to lead to some kind of healthcare disruption in the current status quo.
Live tracker of humans in space right now
as of right now, there's 19 humans in space.
Cities: Skylines II Found a Solution for High Rents: Get Rid of Landlords
For months, players have been complaining about high rents in the city-building sim. This week, developer Colossal Order fixed the problem by doing something real cities can’t: removing landlords.