Posts tagged with “bookmarks”

A Syllabus for Generalists

In recent years, there’s a tendency towards specialism and specialists, from the job market to identities to relationships to education and more. Conversations around university education, for example, tend to be focused on high-earning job prospects, rather than on developing multidisciplinary ways of thinking. The job market tends to favor people who have had a clear, laddered path to success. The prevalence of TikTok trends, which disappear as quickly as they appear, have viewers categorizing themselves within a range of attributes, classifications that are used as bywords for a personality: “clean girl”, “softboi”, “thought daughter”, “thot daughter”, “de-influencers”, and more. Curiosity for curiosity’s sake is not discouraged, per se, but it’s not clearly monetizable either, and therefore can be deprioritized.

As a result, people are quick to try to categorize themselves based on interest or skill, as a way of telling the world who they are quickly, before an audience’s attention runs out, which can lead to tunnel vision, bias, and a sense of social entrapment. Generalists have an important place within society, working from a broad range of knowledge that brings context into the complex and nuanced circumstances humanity finds themselves in today. For example, doctors looking to improve their practices could find helpful lessons from history and philosophy—the history of humankind is also the history of generations of patients, after all. However, generalists have long faced the danger of being overlooked as the “jack of all trades, master of none”.

Hellmouth's Manuscript Maker

divergentrays recently shared this on her weekly wrap-up, and i absolutely love it. might share some i make later.

Pew Research Center: News Platform Fact Sheet 2024

In a fragmented media environment with seemingly endless sources of information to choose from, Americans’ news habits have changed dramatically in the 21st century. Today, an overwhelming majority of Americans get news at least sometimes from digital devices. This fact sheet looks at the platforms Americans turn to for news, including patterns and trends.

SuperCook, a zero-waste recipe generator

Unlike other recipe apps, SuperCook only shows you recipes that require the ingredients you already have.

Your Rights to ADHD Accommodations at Work

You have a right to ADHD accommodations at work and protections from discrimination, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here, learn what the ADA disability list says about ADHD, and what legal protections exist for adults with attention deficit.

The Global Nonviolent Action Database

The Global Nonviolent Action Database provides free access to information about hundreds of cases of nonviolent action, from all continents and most countries, for learning and for citizen action. The database is a project of Swarthmore College.